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WEF – Responsible AI Playbook for Investors, 2024


Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, blurring the lines between physical, digital, and biological realms.

Responsible AI (RAI) is crucial for investors to reduce risks, comply with regulations, and drive growth. RAI can address ethical and technological risks, anticipate legal changes, enhance customer trust, and improve bottom-line growth. To capitalize on AI's benefits, investors should engage with corporate boards, investment partners, and the broader ecosystem. Key areas for further development include AI governance, education, and balancing speed of deployment with safety concerns. Collaboration between private sector, academia, and government is crucial for developing effective AI governance frameworks and capacity building initiatives to ensure long-term value and success in the AI space.

Регион: Весь мир 
Published: Июнь 2024 
Автор(ы): WEF 
Доступные языки: Английский 
Технологические драйверы: AI 
Социальные драйверы: Экологичность и этичность 
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