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ADB Central Bank Digital Currency Developments Asia Implications


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has published a report on central bank digital currency (CBDC) developments in Asia and their potential implications. The report highlights the increasing interest and experimentation by central banks in Asia regarding CBDCs.

It states that the motivation behind these developments include enhancing financial inclusion, improving payment systems, addressing concerns related to cross-border payments, and mitigating risks associated with cryptocurrencies. The report provides an overview of the current CBDC landscape in Asia, highlighting key initiatives in several countries such as China, Thailand, and the Republic of Korea. It also discusses the various architectures and technologies being considered for CBDCs, including both retail and wholesale CBDCs.

The findings suggest that while many central banks in Asia are actively exploring CBDCs, there is still a significant amount of uncertainty and cautiousness surrounding the implementation and implications of CBDCs. The report emphasizes the need for careful consideration of legal, regulatory, and operational issues before launching CBDCs. Additionally, the report identifies several opportunities and challenges associated with CBDCs. It outlines the potential benefits of CBDCs, such as increased efficiency in payment systems, reduced transaction costs, and improved financial inclusion. However, it also highlights concerns related to data privacy, cybersecurity, and the impact on monetary policy transmission.

Overall, the ADB report provides valuable insights into the current state of CBDC developments in Asia and emphasizes the importance of careful planning and implementation to ensure the successful integration of CBDCs in the region.

Регион: Весь мир 
Published: Август 2023 
Автор(ы): ADB Central Bank 
Доступные языки: Английский 
Технологические драйверы: Блокчейн Metaverse & Web3 Мобайл 
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