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9 Top Business Trends (2023 & 2024)


Josh Howarth's 9 Top Business Trends (2023 & 2024) report highlights important trends that will impact various sectors from 2023-2024.

The report suggests that businesses will continue to invest heavily in social media and tech solutions, and that there will be increased funding and product development in these areas. However, businesses will also need to pay close attention to consumer sentiment regarding environmental and corporate responsibility in order to attract new customers. The report emphasizes that companies that stay on top of key trends and innovate based on these trends are likely to be successful in the future.

Регион: Весь мир 
Published: Декабрь 2022 
Автор(ы): Josh Howarth 
Доступные языки: Английский 
Технологические драйверы: AI AR/VR Metaverse & Web3 Мобайл Социальные медиа 
Социальные драйверы: Пандемии 
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